Funding transparency register

Thank you for identifying a potential opportunity for funding for British Lacrosse (BL).

As per the BL Funding Framework, and within the spirit of ‘no surprises’, all potential funding opportunities, from exploration onwards, need to be logged.

We appreciate this takes some effort on your side, but as British Lacrosse does not benefit from any appointed staff or management at this early stage, it’s important that we manage the reputation of BL by making sure we can deliver on the servicing arrangements and comply with Company House requirements for a Limited by Guarantee company.  For this reason, Board Directors will take an active role in funding arrangements once they move beyond exploration.  This Funding Transparency Register will help us to make this process effective and efficient.

Please complete the form below with the information requested.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact a Board director for guidance (Contact Us form – General Enquiry).

All submitted forms are auto-sent to Rosie Halfhead who will get back to you as quickly as she can with next steps – normally within 24 hours.

Thank you!


Funding Transparency Register

Your Contact Details


Details of the funding opportunity

Is the potential funding coming from an individual or organisation?
Name of Primary Contact
Name of Primary Contact
Is the funding monetary or value in kind?
What is the current status?

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